Toronto Panel: 'Leave No One Behind'
Opening the space, Wanda Whitebird
The Raging Grannies sing
Introducing the event
Speakers from Equality Effect, Globe & Mail and Interval House
Winnipeg Speakers' Forum, 'Getting Back Up'
Speakers and Sponsors
Frances Molaro and Forum Friends
Nancy Cosway, Elixabeth Aluk (Voices for South Sudan), Frances Molaro
Ottawa Proclamation
Ottawa Mayor with GRANs
Ottawa Launch, Hilary Elliott
Ottawa Launch, Myrtle Blinn
Donation of cookies from Boka Bakery, Ottawa!
Science World Vancouver
Anvil Centre New Westminster
Surrey BC Plaza
Port Coquitlam Sky Train Pillars
Bev Harris and Gail Mullan, Port Coquitlam
Vancouver Convention Centre
BC Place
BC Place in Orange
Orange Box Brighton
Mayor Jim Watson, MP Anita Vandenbeld, MPP Yasir Naqvi and Councillors, Ottawa
Pat Dolan Ottawa Gatineau
Ottawa March
Bunny Keeley and Anne Creighton Ottawa
Janet Wilkinson Ottawa
Phyll Drennan and grandchildren Ottawa
Toronto in Orange
Whitehorse City Hall
Ottawa Planning Committee
Golden Horseshoe GRANs
Toronto Grans and Raging Grans
Historic Port Hope
Historic Port Hope ON
Historic Port Hope ON
Historic Port Hope ON

Ottawa Heritage Building lit up
Proclamation with Ottawa Mayor Watson and Politicians
Ottawa Proclamation with Mayor Jim Watson and Politicians
GRANs across the country hold Orange Campaign Events!!!
Victoria GRANs at BC Legislature
Orange the World Rally Saskatoon, SK
Saskatoon GRANs in front of Prairie Wind Sculpture
Saskatoon GRANs with Mayor Charlie Clark
Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, Hilary Elliott GRAN co-chair, and
Anita Vandenbeld MP with Orange Campaign Proclamation
Mayor, Hilary, MP Vandenbeld and Ottawa City Councillors
Folks of all ages at the Proclamation event
Grannies All About Kids at the Santa Claus Parade, Manotick (ON)
and here they are at the Metcalfe ON Santa Claus paradel
Orange ribbons: Beth Madole, Coburg (ON) Mayor Gil Brocanier, and Bonnie Symons
Grandmothers AIDing Grandmothers, Ottawa
Vancouver in orange
Toronto: Why Orange? Ask us!
TORONTO in orange
Toronto GRANs and Friends
Toronto City Hall
OLDER WOMEN COUNT! Ottawa, December 6
MJ Sterne, M Overduin, and L Bergeron, welcoming committee
Ketty Nivyabandi, Burundi Poet and Activist
Peggy Edwards, chair of GRAN's Older Women Committee
Time for questions....
Table talk
Valerie Wright, Co-Chair, Education Working Group
University of Ottawa Professor Gordon DiGiacomo
Grand River ON GRANS and CFUW
Colleen Stefanich at Grandmothers Matter, Vancouver
Pauline Barrett at Grandmothers Matter, Vancouver
Angela Kaida at Grandmothers Matter, Vancouver
Peg Herbert, Help Lesotho at Grandmothers Matter, Vancouver
Grade 12 Sociology Class, Brighton ON
Knitted banner, Brighton ON
Ottawa-Gatineau GRANs
Ottawa Letter Writing Campaign
Kelowna BC GRANs at their first meeting
One World Grannies, Ottawa
Science World, Vancouver
Christina Lake (BC) Pickleball Club Friends of GRAN
Golden Horeshoe GRANs (1)
Golden Horshoe GRANs (2)
BC MP Joyce Murray and Colleen Stefanich
Victoria BC Legislature Lit in Orange
Ann Frost, BC MP Pam Goldsmith-Jones, and Heather Fraser
Calgary Advograms
Calgary Tower
Calgary Advograms gather
Montreal GRANs
Halifax City Hall Lit in Orange
Coquitlam GRANs and the Sky Train Line
Coquitlam GRANs
Mayor, City Council and GRANs Fredericton, NB 2016
Sue McKenna speaking to Fredericton NB City Council 2016
Peterborough GRAN and CFUW Event 2016
Peterborough GRAN and CFUW Event 2016
Brighton ON Councillors and GRANs
Greater VAN GRANs
Fin Donnelly, MP for Port Moody-Coquitlam with Gail Mullen and Bev Harris
Greater GRAN VANs at Bowen Island, BC 2016
Capital Grannies, Ottawa 2016
Ottawa-Gatineau GRANs 2016
GRANs and Friends, Ottawa 2016
Montreal GRANs, 2016
Montreal GRANs promoting Orange Walk via McGill University radio, 2016
Lynne Kent with UN reps, 2016
Wakefield (QC) GRANs, 2016
Northumberland GRANs (ON), 2016
BC Place
Ready for the 2016 Orange Campaign: Colleen Stefanich and Heather Fraser
Ending Violence Agains Women Co-Chairs, Colleen Stefanich and Janet Siddall
Coquitlam Fountain
Greater Vancouver GRANs: 2015
Halifax City Hall
Oakville ON GRANs and friends with their Mayor
Ottawa Heritage Building
Toronto City Hall
Vancouver City Hall