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GRAN joins call for Financing Education in Emergencies

GRAN joins call for Financing Education in Emergencies



The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit will be held on May 23-24 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The world is witnessing the highest level of human suffering since World War II.  The aim of the summit is to build a more inclusive and diverse humanitarian system committed to humanitarian principles.

In 2015 alone, more than 80 million children and young people, over half of them girls, had their education disrupted or destroyed by emergencies and prolonged crisis.  Despite this, less than 2 percent of all humanitarian aid has gone to education since 2010.

Global education leaders are calling on world leaders to commit the urgent resources needed to provide education and other essential services to children caught up in conflict and natural disasters.  GRAN has joined more than 50 world organizations sending out a call to world leaders urging them to make multi-year pledges aimed at supporting children living without education in the most dangerous or unstable contexts at the summit.

To find out more about the ambitious new education crisis platform and the call to action, click here




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