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Canada Contributes $20 Million

GRAN applauds Canada’s pledge to contribute $20 million to a new United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) project aimed at addressing the causes and consequences of child, early and forced marriage (CEFM).

Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) is a human rights violation, and has devastating consequences to women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa and around the world.  It perpetuates gender inequality and powerlessness that is a barrier to girls developing their full potential and contributing fully to their society.  It exposes them to health risks, abuse and violence.

The new UNFPA project aims to help adolescent girls gain better access to health information and services, education and life skills training, while also generating valuable data that will be used for advocacy, training and project tracking.


Dismiss Grannies at Your Peril!

Aug 20, 2024

"Dismiss ‘grannies’ as frail old biddies at your peril: they’re some of the toughest activists out there." In an opinion piece in The Guardian, writer Sally Feldman challenges "granny" stereotypes... Read more